Last Friday


Last weekend on Friday I had my birthday party it was fun we did makeovers, watched movies, and all sorts of fun stuff, then all 7 girls got to spend the night it was awesome until they had to go home.

Then after everyone went home my sister and I had to do outside and do chores it was kind of fun until I got stung by a black and red striped wasp and since I have never gotten stung before it hurt really bad. Luckily my mom knew how to treat it so we put baking soda on it burned for a second or two. My mom said it was supposed to dry it out which makes it hard for the venom to get in it.

My Vacation

This summer I am going to Hawaii to go see Pearl Harbor. Were the U.S.A. was bombed by China because our troopers were out late that Saturday night partying. They thought hey we will go over there and bomb them because they were out late last night partying, but lucky us they saved us. And everyone is thankful for them saving us, anyway I have wanted to go there for a while now. I mean it sounds so interesting with all that kind of history. But I hope I have fun. Wish me luck!

The Best Summer Ever

     This summer I went to Wyoming to see my dad, my two step sisters, and my step   mom anyway, the first couple of days I had stayed there I noticed that my older sister      wasn’t there. So I asked my dad “Where am Chelsea at?” He said she was at a     place called “SCT”. I asked him “What is that?” He said it is short for Sea       Cadet Training. I said oh ok thanks. That weekend my step mom took us swimming.       It wasn’t very fun without my dad because he was at work all weekend.                                                 

But I still had lots of fun.

The next weekend my sister came back from Washington. It was awesome. The next day she told me about how she got to jump out of an airplane and all that neat stuff. Later on that week we all got to go to a carnival I say “it was awesome” anyway I got to ride the kamikaze it was very big and awesome. When I got on it with my sister she and her friend were singing.

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